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The Essentials About Halina’s Teaching

I am a passionate non- native English teacher from Poland. Teaching is a crucial part of my life. With that understanding, I am a lifelong learner.



In the picture, you can see my Polish as a foreign language class. We are studying in the library.

I am applying a blended learning/ training and flipped classroom approaches.
The traditional physical classroom settings are not efficient enough, for my lessons

In my opinion, technology gives us countless new possibilities.
As I have already specified, I prefer blended learning, which means, taking advantage of both, traditional f2f techniques and opportunities confronted with new technologies.
An occasion to meet and connect with people from the entire Globe is one of the reasons I appreciate online communication, very much.
I retired in October 2013 and signed for a freelance Senior Lecturer occupation at the Wroclaw University of Technology.
At present, I am going to continue taking and giving online English courses.

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What is more, I am confidently getting ready to finalize my online project Halina’s English Academy

Thinking in a foreign language is precisely what I want my students to accomplish.
I teach without a bridge language, or lingua franca also known as a common language, trade language or even vehicular language. Students do not share any language.
When I teach Polish, my foreigners and I have to speak only Polish, and my English classes are run entirely in English.
This means they are required to forget about their native language and start speaking as well as thinking in a foreign language.
My students learn English in different contexts, mostly singing phrases, expressions, collocation, idioms, and phrasal verbs, and also telling stories. Moreover, I encourage them to talk to everybody, even to themselves in a foreign language. As a result of this, they can establish a set of compelling stories.

I correct only substantial mistakes. I do not want them to stop talking. I also encourage my students to listen to songs, watch movies with subtitles in a language they learn, read a lot and so forth.
Additionally, I often use YouTube videos to improve a student’s pronunciation, as well as movies with English subtitles and of course songs.


The picture shows my super friend Jason Fluency MC.

I have been taking advantage of Jason’s English classes since I ran into him in 2011.

Music in English Teaching Part 2 Movies

I believe in using music in English teaching. My approach is that we do not speak the language, but rather we sing it. English bears a unique melody, rhythm as well as intonation.
My students enjoy English lessons with me because they are never bored.

Some publications available online
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Halina_Ostankowicz_Bazan/publications https://pwr-wroc.academia.edu/HalinaOstankowiczBazan/Papers



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